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The major reason why battery dies

Batteries have limited life and their life span varies based on their type. Many reasons cause damage or reduce their efficiency and life span. In the following, stay with Phazify to know what are the major and most important reasons a battery dies.

Non-standard temperature

If the ambient temperature of the battry is above the standard, a lot of gas will be produced inside the battery because of high temperature, which makes the valve function and oxygen and hydrogen gases from battery interaction are released and as a result, reduce the water inside electrolyte or inflate the battery due to high temperature.

These two reasons drastically lower battery life and later cause complete breakdown of the battery. Also in low temperatures, chemical interactions are greatly slowed and battery function and backup time wouldn’t be standard in response.

Over-charging the battery

Over-charging is another reason that damages the battery because too much voltage is entered the flow which increases the inner temperature of the battery and gas is released from the valve and eventually positive electrode network faces corrosion and raises the battery problem. As a result, proper UPS must be used so that its charging works correctly and automatically manages the charging of the battery.

Battery over discharger

Another reason that casuses battery life reduction is over discharging that sulphates the lead and eventually increases the inner impedance of the battery. Bear in mind that having proper UPS can control the battery discharger amount. This means that the UPS does not fully discharge the batteries but shuts down the system after notifying the user according to standard.

AC ripple

AC ripple is any alternating current that is placed on DC charger. It must be noted that AC never enters the battery which reduces the useful life of the battery and has a very negative effect in battery function.

Battery short circuit

Whenever the positive and negetive ends of a battery is connected by a conductor, it is called battery short circuit which has a very destructive effect on the battery and sometimes causes disconnection in battery inner networks. In this case, the battery is completely broken and can not be repaired or recycled so it must be carefully put and kept inside a container called battery case and must be kept away from conductive metals and tools.